Sea of Tranquility reviews the album

December 12, 2018

Steven Reid has praising words while reviewing the album on Sea of Tranquility, here a quote:

What Chaumont has created here has been turning heads all across the jazz-sphere, an honesty on show that you don’t often encounter in any genre. Nothing on this album is forced, nothing feels fancy and nothing looks to razzle dazzle. And yet, the impact is immediate and long lasting, with crafted atmospheres digging in deep from the off and never once letting go.

The full article is available here.

A new review and interview by Debbie Burke

December 7, 2018

A wonderful review was just released by Debbie on her blog, a quote:

With many musical guests who bring their own jewels to the necklace, this collection challenges the notion of uniformity while remaining highly accessible; it doles out treat after treat with something unexpected and remarkable about each track.

Check it out right here.